Tetrathlon follows on from minimus for members over 12 years of age and consists of Shooting, Swimming, Riding Cross Country and Running. Members need to have completed their C Test and need to be signed off as C+ Test standard of horse riding by the DC and an instructor. Members need to be seen several times to be signed off.
Individual and Teams of 4(which are not mixed) are picked by the DC and instructors.
The IPC Tetrathlon Championship 2024 will be held on 26th – 28th July 2024. Swimming will be held in the NAC and the XC, Shooting and running at Punchestown Racecourse.
Swimming/Running/Shooting Training
Competitors must swim as many lengths/metres as they can in a 3-minute period. 4 minutes for Senior Boys.
Swimming training has commenced in the Aura swimming pool Trim on Monday evenings. Members will be notified prior to the commencement of each term.
Shooting – Both Junior and Senior competitors shoot 0.177 Air Pistols from a standing position. Shooting Training has commenced in Wilkinstown, Navan. Please contact Kevin Quinlan to be added to the WhatsApp group to find out when the training is on.
Running Training will commence when the evenings get brighter, but members should be encouraged to practice their running at home. Participants must run 1.5kms in as fast a time as possible. 3kms for Senior Boys.
Hunter Trails organised by local Hunts will commence in early March and members are encouraged to try and do as many of these as they can to give the children confidence in a competition setting. The Hunter Trail Championships and many Eventing Qualifiers will be run before tetrathlon so there are plenty of opportunities for members to gain experience. Signed waivers witnessed by a solicitor are also needed for these events.
Most of the fun minimuses organised listed above, also run fun tetrathlons on the same dates. We will keep our Facebook Up To Date on these activities as information arises.
Members who wish to represent Ireland at Tetrathlon competitions will find information on the Irish Pony Club Website.
For further details please contact, Kevin Quinlan or Susie Corcoran.
IPC Tetrathlon & Minimus Rules
Click here for the Irish Pony Club Tetrathlon & Minimus Rules
IPC Cross Country Tack Sheet
Click here for the IPC Cross Country Tack Sheet.